Nursing Care Plan for Depression Depression is a serious medical illness that involves the brain. It's more than just a feeling of being "down in the dumps...
Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Interventions for Depression Nursing Diagnosis for Depression Risk for Violence: Self-Directed or Other-Directed Nursing Interventions for Depression The general objecti...
Nursing Care Plan for Headache Headache A Headache is defined as a pain in the head or upper neck. It is one of the most common locations of pain in the body and ha...
Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Interventions for Headache Nursing Diagnosis for Headache 1. Acute Pain related to stess and tension, irritation of nerve pressure, vasospasm, increased intracrania...
Nursing Care Plan for Hirschsprung's Disease Hirschsprung’s Disease Hirschsprung's disease is a blockage of the large intestine due to improper muscle movement in the bowel. I...
Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Interventions for Hirschsprung's Disease Nursing Diagnosis for Hirschsprung's Disease Constipation related to an intestinal obstruction Imbalanced Nutrition: Less than body re...
Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Intervention for Neonatal Tetanus Nursing Diagnosis for Neonatal Tetanus Ineffective breathing pattern related to respiratory muscle fatigue Imbalanced nutrition, Less than...
Neonatal Tetanus : Definition, Causes and Prevention Definition of Neonatal Tetanus Tetanus is a neurological disorder (caused by gram-positive rod Clostridium tetani ) which is characterized...
Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Interventions for Hematemesis Melena Nursing Diagnosis for Hematemesis Melena Deficient Fluid Volume related to bleeding (loss of active) Ineffective tissue perfusion related...
Nursing Assessment for Hematemesis Melena Nursing assessment in patients with Haematemesis melena , can be done several stages, as follows General Assessment Intake: anorexia, nau...
Nursing Diagnosis for Tonsillitis Nursing Diagnosis for Tonsillitis : Preoperative Swallowing disorders related to inflammatory processes. Acute pain related to tonsil tis...
Nursing Care Plan for Tonsillitis Tonsillitis Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the glands of the throat, which results in a sore throat.Tonsillitis can be caused by ei...
Glasgow Coma Scale Glasgow Coma Scale or GCS is a neurological scale that aims to give a reliable, objective way of recording the conscious state of a person...
Nursing Diagnosis for Caesarean Section and Nursing Interventions for Caesarean Section Nursing Diagnosis for Caesarean Section (Postoperative) Impaired sense of comfort : pain related to postoperative wound High risk of infe...
Caesarean Section Postoperative Management Cesarean Section A Cesarean section (C-section) is surgery to deliver a baby. The baby is taken out through the mother's abdomen....